So, I found out from Compassion I will be traveling to all my kids in a few weeks! :) Can you say I am one happy sponsor right now? I will have the opportunity to talk to Abraham twice, Brayan twice, Mekdelawit twice, but only Mark once. And that is understandable. I was told that due to his daily chores of having to fetch water it really makes him having very limited time with me. But, even once will be OK with me. :) So, just keep looking at the flight schedule of when we will be lifting off. :) There is still plenty of time for booking your flight. If you have any problems with your flight or your baggage, feel free to comment below, or to contact the nearest flight attendant to get your problem resolved. I am excited to be able to take you along for the journey! Its truly a life altering experience. I hope to hear from Abraham about his brother Alfredo. When we last spoke, his brother was in the military. So come along! We will be leaving shortly.

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